Really Afford to Gamble at a Casino
Okay, so maybe you make a good living and pay all (or most) of your bills on time. And maybe you have no moral compunctions about gambling at a casino. Casino gambling is a fine hobby if you don’t have impulse control or problem gambling tendencies. But if someone is ultimately losing money – perhaps even losing their job or house as a result of nursing their addiction – how can that high possibly outweigh the sacrifices? The first thing to note is that people don’t just gamble for the prospect of winning. Mark Griffiths, a psychologist at Nottingham Trent University who specializes in behavioral addictions points out that gamblers list a wide range of motivations for their habit. a fantastic read These are just some of the issues affecting people who've gambled online using their credit card, risking cash they don't own in the hope of winning more. But from 14 April 2020, you won't be able to hop onto a gambling website and bet money on your credit card anymore. The UK ga...